Category: Events

Company events at Gröna Lund

By Rodolfo White III 0 Comment

When planning a conference in Stockholm, incorporating a company event at Gröna Lund can add a unique and memorable dimension to the experience. Located on Djurgården island, Gröna Lund is an iconic amusement park that offers a perfect blend of fun, relaxation, and professional facilities. A versatile venue for all occasions Gröna Lund caters to […]

Folk Festivals and Heritage Celebrations in North Carolina

By Rodolfo White III 0 Comment

North Carolina is a state deeply rooted in its history and cultural traditions. Throughout the year, communities come together to honor their heritage and preserve the customs and folklore that have shaped their identities. From lively music and dance performances to captivating storytelling and time-honored rituals, these folk festivals and heritage celebrations offer a window […]

The Biggest Poker Tournaments in Europe

By Rodolfo White III 0 Comment

Imagine being the grand winner of a Poker tournament in Europe. Knowing where to play is crucial, and that is why the biggest poker tournaments in Europe are listed here. The best part is there are several events in a year which you can be part of. The European Poker Tour and the Battle of […]